Arm Lift

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What Is Brachioplasty?

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, eliminates upper-arm hanging skin and fat resulting from significant weight loss or just due to aging.

UT Southwestern Medical Center’s plastic surgeons have the expertise to perform arm lifts to improve contour to the upper arms and connecting area of chest wall. We offer different options for arm lifts (or brachioplasty) and tailor each surgery to the needs of the patient.

Our long-standing and unique expertise with body contouring procedures has continually put us at the forefront of medical and technological advances.

Reducing Arm Flabbiness or Excess Skin

There are often cosmetic reasons for wanting to reduce arm flabbiness or excess skin. A carefully planned procedure can offer immediate results.

Our Dallas and Frisco teams of plastic surgeons are internationally recognized for delivering outstanding clinical care and conducting groundbreaking research.

Because an arm lift is a highly complex body-contouring procedure, the plastic surgeons at UT Southwestern take a patient’s overall objectives and health into consideration while ensuring the patient’s safety. Prior to considering any body contouring procedure, it is important to achieve weight stability.

Arm Lift Options

The types of arm lifts UT Southwestern offers include:    

  • Traditional arm lift: The surgeon removes a large amount of skin and fatty tissue from the armpit to the elbow. This is the most effective option for patients with more significant amounts of excess skin and fat on the entire upper arm.
  • Extended arm lift: The surgeon removes fatty tissue and loose skin underneath the arm and addresses any concerns related to areas on the side of the body.
  • Hidden arm lift (limited incision brachioplasty): Sometimes used with liposuction, a hidden arm lift involves a surgical incision that can be made in the crease of the underarm. This procedure can be an effective option for patients with moderate amounts of fat and loose skin.
  • Liposuction only: This procedure can be used to reshape the arm for some patients. It requires a small incision and short recovery time. Typically, liposuction works best for patients with good skin elasticity, little to no excess skin, and a small amount of fat.

Arm Lift: What to Expect

During an initial consultation, we talk with patients about their overall health and expectations. We then evaluate key factors, such as the elasticity of the arm, the location and amount of excess skin, and the amount of fatty tissue to be removed. We also tailor the type of arm lift to fit the patient’s age and lifestyle. On average, an arm lift will take about 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

After Brachioplasty

Patients go home the same day of surgery after a short recovery period. Sports or any excessive activity should be restricted for at least three weeks after surgery.

Arm Lift Benefits

An arm lift can have a lasting impact, but arms will age naturally. Significant weight gain or loss can have an impact. To maximize results, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight.

"An arm lift, or brachioplasty, eliminates upper-arm hanging skin and fat resulting from significant weight loss or just due to aging, which allows people to be more confident in certain clothing."

Al Aly, M.D.

Professor of Plastic Surgery

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